A bit of procrastination blamed on weather conditions that kept me in bed for the past three days and away from the task I had on mind: to refresh the patio and re-paint the ceramic tables. One of them was already cracked, and I really hope they will last a little longer this way.
They were made in Ban Chan- a village across the Mekong-they make pottery there (and the last time I've visited a couple of years ago, the women were working on the craft, the men were having a lao-lao /beer siesta all over at noon)
They were made in Ban Chan- a village across the Mekong-they make pottery there (and the last time I've visited a couple of years ago, the women were working on the craft, the men were having a lao-lao /beer siesta all over at noon)

I've teamed up with Michelle who dropped everything and helped out this afternoon, putting up with me being all particular about stuff... ~~~
The tables are pained and drying indoors now, so the bar will smell like fresh paint tomorrow night--I love that smell. Feels like creativity is happening... although it's only 3 little tables we're talking about here
The tables are pained and drying indoors now, so the bar will smell like fresh paint tomorrow night--I love that smell. Feels like creativity is happening... although it's only 3 little tables we're talking about here

...then we promoted Campari Juice and smoking while waiting to paint the next coat of paint. Wait. That reminds me of Tom Waits...
Had also a glass of wine for the sake of that burgundy sky...
Music...is the only MUST in life!
Had also a glass of wine for the sake of that burgundy sky...
Music...is the only MUST in life!